12 May 2021

No Space

Terrestrial no space nothing in space till we see every speck of dust that flies around floating not to worry about trivialities now like if flying is floating or if the vice versa viz., if floating is flying and so on buried in the gardens where flower and fruit plants grow ripe with nectar and juice respectively and in space empty space of nothingness grow plants and any space where a plant has grown ceases to be empty anymore and you throw the ball up twenty-one times and catch it and when it you do it once again it is problematic without an answer a situation where it is hard very hard to find an answer or a resolution to after falling asleep on the very first day of every new year as soon as it is born with new diary journals and hopes and fake promises planting dreams in little pots on top of tables with small cases pen holders and inkpots and paper-clips and staplers with cellophane tape and two-sided duct tapes that pretend to fix ducks when they are swimming in lakes believing they are water-proof and bulletproof wearing jackets that protect them from rain – the rains regular – splash, splash droplets of water, and from rains of bullets – bang, bang, shoot, shoot too when sparrows cry thinking, believing they are mackerels flying in the sky and once when it had rained fish in some other part of the world the sparrows felt very sorry for all those fellow beings that must have forgotten to fly and it is a great story to tell your friends on days when the only reason for your existence is to fill up empty glasses with fruit juice or beer or wine but never whiskey

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