11 May 2021


Fast asleep dreaming slow about running fast going with the flow flying low wearing the morning glow of a new day on the calendar hanging on the wall showing the days that follow one another sweeping time away with a broom wearing spectacles for short-sight sieving good days from bad filling up pages of diary journals muttering a silent prayer for the foxes that have lost their ways blue Jays on the other side waiting to cross the road on skins of zebra looking at the lights that are red waiting for a yellow and then the green of a parrot that repeats everything it hears, repeating words of songs and poems spoken word just before sunrise and slices of bread eaten with steaming cups of coffee for early breakfast or very late dinner of the night before that moves on slowly on buses that travel intergalactic highways built with bricks of radium and iridium of fountainpen nibs that write numerous poems and stories about themselves looking back at the times that once were when there was nothing else other than time inside the little satchels that giraffes carried around their necks with their heads in clouds winking blinking at their friends when they walk past them quickly getting from point A to point B reading newspapers listening to the news on radio – news, news, news stories carried around from point B to point A by the wind wandering aimlessly riding bicycles when their feet are tired like the elephants that wear striped suits and coats of Spanish denim and corduroy

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