30 August 2011


plusgood - better
than better and the best is
doubleplusgood? that isn't
un-good! ha ha, un-ha-ha can
only leave me sad. "try" you say
and you is not i or not him
un-i or un-him? uni is not two and
that is the un-i-versal truth and it's not
prose. un, two buckle my shoe. 3 four
un-open the door. brr.
it's un-warm or un-un-cold.
newspeak. non-old-speak.
"newspeak?" is that the peak of news?
peak of non-olds? or speak new or
non-old non unspeak or
just plain new-speak? un-fat dictionaries
are thin. what remains?

1 comment:

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