15 August 2011


and tonight, they'll tell you stories of monsters
one eyed ones, three eyed ones and rare occasional two eyed ones
like the ones you drew in your sunday notebook
they are supposed to play ping-pong with you
first they ping and then you pong and then there is
till the end of eternity or till the border of either's boredom
whichever comes first
the monsters are friendly, they say, they make you laugh, they say
and make you fall in love with them, if you're not afraid, they say again -
if you think twice to walk through dark streets, the game is not for you
monsters wink and monsters stick out tongues
or monsters grin at you with their mouths open like capital Ds
and when you think it is a decent time to ignore monsters
and that you should get back to your not so abnormal life
then in between they ping and then you pong and then there is
till the end of eternity or till the border of either's boredom
whichever comes first

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